Monday, October 18, 2010

Everyone loves a....

I am a sucker for reading about birth stories, so for all of you that were feeling jipped on the baby ya go! I have never been so pregnant in my life, 4 days from my due date. We went to the hospital at 7am and got started on antibiotics for group b strep. 2 hours later (now 9 am) got a strong dose of pitocin. Here we go! Taylor left to get more entertainment (via old VHS movies).Around 11 the dr came in to break my water, and couldn't. I really thought that once you put your arm and huge hook up you know where the logistics were pretty simple. Not so much....he couldn't do it. It was probably the MOST painful experience of my life....really. So we just kept on contracting. I called Aunt Karen and told her to bring cards, I was bored:) (now about 1:30). Taylor had returned and my dad, aunt, and friend kaytlyn were all patiently waiting with me now. Everytime the dr came in to check me I was at a 3....stuck. About 5 I finally broke down and got my epidural. Mostly because there was no way in h%$# that they were going to break my water without one. After they broke my water I was at a about six pm. My dad kept falling asleep and everytime he'd wake up he'd ask, "where's my baby?" Well...not much happened from there.....really nothing. Around 10 pm Jacksons heart rate was staying to low after each contraction and they kept trying to reposition me to relieve some pressure on him. They started talking about maybe doing a c-section. way! My great nurse had the idea to flush warm saline through the catheder and got him stable. PHEW! At 11 pm the dr checked me and I was at a 6....hooray progression. My friend Kaytlyn decided to go home and sleep until it got closer. My Aunt Debbie had put the kids to sleep and was on her way over. Well...15 minutes later I was at a 7 1/2. I called them and told them to HURRY! We woke up my Dad and I was feeling a ton of pressure. I told myself that I would not tell the nurse that I felt like I needed to push until all of the needed support group were there. She checked me again and I was at an 8 1/2. The crew finally arrived, the nurse checked again and actually said the words, "You're complete, don't push or laugh until I get back with the dr!!" I started to kind of freak out at this point because I wanted my grandma there. She is getting too old to be out that late so she waited at her care center anxiously at the phone. She called right as I started to push and was able to hear his first cry over the phone...which was very special for her. I pushed about 6 times and out he came! 8 lb 14 oz chubby little boy at 12:06 am. Worth the wait? I think so!

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My Family

My Family
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