Monday, October 18, 2010

Jacky Boy Updates....

I know...I have been such a bum mom about posting pictures of him. Let's just say it's because I am constantly holding him!! Jackson will be 8 weeks old in about 5 hours....the time flies! He is not so much a newborn anymore:(

Some milestones Jack Jack has already hit:

-Head control. Jackson was born holding his head up! He is so strong!

-Standing. When you stand him up he can support his own weight.

-Smiling :) Look at these pictures...not just gas!


-Laughing-so I've been told by daddy

-Drooling-can we already be thinking teeth?

-Sleeping-usually about 6 hours or until he realizes he's not in bed with us

We go in for our 2 month appt next week and I wil have to post his weight then. Just know he is already outgrown the majority of his newborn clothes and fills out his 3-6 months quite nice!

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My Family

My Family
I am usually the one taking the pictures....