Thursday, October 28, 2010

2 Months Old!

Jack had his 2 month check up on Monday....I think everyone will be surprised to hear he's not the monster baby we thought he was. Consistantly since he was born he's been in the 70th percentile for weight and 90th for height. He now weighs 12 lb 6 oz which is 68% and is 24.5 inches which is 90%. His head is 15.5 in and 35% (I always thought his head was tiny:) And....I mean head, not double chin:)
We also hit a BIG milestone on Monday night. Drumroll please....sleeping through the night!!!! And it's not a fluke because he is doing it every night....YAY!!


Julie Pia said...

Wah-hoooooey!!!!!! So glad he's sleeping thru the night! Happy Mama makes Happy family.... love you!

Ro Ro Riot said...

Congratulations! I have no idea what that's like, but I'm certain it's a really great feeling. (This is your cousin Rose, btw.)

Karen said...

So he dropped from 70% to 68% in the weight category - still sounds like a monster baby to me!

Angela said...

So Lucky! That sleeping throught the night thing is amazing!.....and unheard of for me and my 2 boys! it took them forEVER!!!!!!! You deserve th esleep though lookin after three kiddos. My next one better get the memo! Sleep through the night at @ months old! Angela

My Family

My Family
I am usually the one taking the pictures....