Saturday, November 27, 2010

Saturday, November 6, 2010

One of my.....

One of my biggest pet peeves is...

-Who the heck decided that weeds were weeds, can't we all just love all the plants equally?
-Slugs, we cleared out our vegetable garden today and there were a ton of slugs. Chloe ran in the house and got her bug cage. I told her she should pour salt in there and guess what she said? "Eww mom, we aren't going to eat them."
-Cats that think just because I am so nice that they should follow me home and take up shelter on my deck. Mr Gray Cat (whom Taylor named!! Smoky) please GET LOST! I have 2 other cats that are soon to go to the pound so if you want to maintain your freedom.....beat it!

Grateful today for:
-A little baby who was so patient during the yard work process, he now loves his walker! Maybe the crying to be held days are over:)
-A hubby who spent his only day off helping me with the yard work. I mean who else was going to shovel up all the smushy, slug filled tomatoes?
-Logan is an awesome leaf raker. He was really dissapointed that in the end we got rid of the pile though.
-Chloe's love for creatures big, small, furry, or slimy, she does not discriminate. Furry gray things that are named Smoky seem to be on the top of her list today. She told dad that since he named it that meant she could keep it.
-Caffeine...speaking of, I should run to the gas station.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Grateful For...

So there is that thing on facebook where you are supposed to list one thing each day that you are grateful for....and I just made a list of things that bugged me! I am such a bum! But instead of removing my took way too long to type....I will just add this on top of it.

TEN things I am GRATEFUL for:
1-Even when I am super tired and go in to get a crying baby, he nuzzles his fuzzy little head in my neck and everything isn't so bad after that.
2-I was feeling really sorry for myself the other day after my friend moved across country and was telling someone about it. Chloe piped up and said, "you got me mom." Grateful for my best friend Chloe.
3-I am grateful Logan has such an active imagination. The stories he tells are enough to keep me laughing all day long. Taylor once said that he will be the next Dr Suess, I don't doubt it.
4-Grateful for a hubbby that is willing to work 2 jobs so I can stay home and blog stalk all day:)
5-Grateful for good friends that are more like family to me.
6-Grateful for His plan and the principles the church teach my children.
7-Grateful for the wonderful home I was raised in, even though it wasn't your "typical" family.
8-Grateful for the rice pudding I made tonight, it's my ultimate comfort food.
9-Grateful for caffeine....really I am.
10-Grateful for binkies:)

Pet Peeves

When I was working I had a whole list of pet peeves, and it got added to on a regular basis. Most sentances I used were started, "one of my biggest pet peeves is _____." Now that I am at home all the time, I have a new set of pet peeves. Today just has to be particularly full of here ya'll go. Now here is the disclaimer-I am not talking about anyone specifically unless I say names:) So don't get all upset thinking that I am blogging about you, I have just had recent experiences in each of these areas that made me need to vent:)

1-I went to get a much needed coke across town to the only station with a drive through. Pulled up, they have a sign on the window that says "We will be happy to help you when you are DONE with your phone call." I put my phone down and ordered my drink. A 44 oz coke. So the attendant left and chatted with her co-worker for a minute and then came back and asked me what drink again....coke! She then finished her conversation about her daughters horse with the co-worker while my coke sat on the counter longing for me to drink it. Probably five minutes later she gave me my coke. I ended my phone conversation so I could give you my FULL attention, and I don't get yours? Now I don't think socializing at work is wrong, and you can have a conversation when you are not needed to help a customer! But making someone wait so you can talk about something totally unrelated to your job is not ok...ever!

2-Child Comparisons. All children grow and develop different, period. Your kid is no better than mine because he/she walked, talked, or was potty trained earlier. When we compare our kids like this it just makes us feel like bad parents...when we are absolutely not. I have heard one mom I know say something bad about every single other child in our area....not ok, that's not your place.

3-Child Discipline-This kind of goes along with number 2. There are some friends in life that you get together with and you feel comfortable enough "disciplining" each others kids. This is a very fine line though....don't you think? It sometimes makes me feel bad when my kids get in trouble for something at someone elses house that is ok at our house. They really don't know better. Now I don't mind a nice "hey, we don't have food out of the kitchen at our house," but getting upset with them isn't ok with me. If there is a major problem, please talk to me and I will fix it! On the other hand, watch your kids and try to step in and solve the problem before I have to talk to you about it....I will try and do the same. (some examples are sharing, hitting, and potty language) If you really can't stand how my kids act...we probably shouldn't be friends....right?

4-Is it really harder to put your laundry in the hamper than on the floor next to the hamper?

5-Trick or Treat candy wrappers, everywhere.

6-Throwing away leftovers. Such a waste! But if I didn't cook enough for leftovers, someone would be super hungry and want seconds and not get any!

7-How much time I waste daily blog hopping reading useless information about crafts and coupons.

8-Laundry in general.

9-Unloading the dishwasher.

10-Overly emotional children (all three today).

11-How much my daughter spills drinks, and the evil looks I get when I give her a sippy cup. It's a double edge sword I tell ya!

12-Unsolicited advice on all depends on how you tell me. (This could go with 2 and 3).

13-The fact that I am now keeping a written journal, so I have to type this and then write it down! HA!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

2 Months Old!

Jack had his 2 month check up on Monday....I think everyone will be surprised to hear he's not the monster baby we thought he was. Consistantly since he was born he's been in the 70th percentile for weight and 90th for height. He now weighs 12 lb 6 oz which is 68% and is 24.5 inches which is 90%. His head is 15.5 in and 35% (I always thought his head was tiny:) And....I mean head, not double chin:)
We also hit a BIG milestone on Monday night. Drumroll please....sleeping through the night!!!! And it's not a fluke because he is doing it every night....YAY!!

Friday, October 22, 2010

If he got any cuter...

The idea for this year was not to waste money on getting Jack a Halloween costume. He won't be able the trick or treat and there aren't any parties for him:) But....I found a killer deal at Old Navy and when I asked Taylor via picture message if I could get this costume, we both caved! My favorite part is the banana in the pocket, the curled tail, and of course the happy baby inside!


It has been a week for field trips! Today we went with Logan's class to....If you have never should go! It's so much fun! Plan on spending most of the day there! It is a kids museum that is completely hands on!

My Family

My Family
I am usually the one taking the pictures....